Friday, July 25, 2008

my trip to the yarn shoppe

Greg and Suzan are the owners of The Yarn Shoppe in Herrin, IL.
If you live around Southern Illinois or driving through drop in and say hi to
them. They are so nice and helpful
and have about anything you would
need to knit or crochet and yes they
have spinning wheels. I went in there
yesterday to get a drop spindle and
filber,I guess thats what you would call it (I new to all this) , Greg took the time to sound me how it works
I just glad we have a place like that around here, that we have a choice where we buy our yarn, and other goodies. I know I will go back. I could just live there among all that yarn. sorry I got carry away.

This spinning wheel is on my wish list, I just love it, don't know how to work one but will learn one of these


Well next time I will put on here what I purchase at The Yarn Shoppe.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

my first pair of socks knitted on 2 cir. needles

I have knitted socks before but this was fun doing 2 at one time. I guess this pair will go to my grand son Brandon.


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